How works is NOT a Autosurf, Multi-Level Marketing, Pyramid, Ponzi, Matrix or "Get Rich Quick" scheme. is a new innovative, international and FREE English based service that allows advertisers to reach thousands of potential customers by displaying their ad on our, "Surf Ads" page. A exact calculated percentage of all advertising revenue is paid to our members. makes money via advertising, other advertising sources throughout the website as well as earning through direct sponsorship of other members, just like a regular member does.
How you make money
You view websites in 30 second sessions via the "Surf Ads" page. Once the 30 seconds is up, you'll either get a green tick sign or a red 'X'. The green tick sign means you've earned $0.01 and as premium member $0.0125 for the visit and the 'X' means you have not earned money for the visit. You'll get red X's when you have more than one website from the "Surf Ads" page open. When this happens, you get no credit.
A valuable benefit to both the members and the advertisers is the repeat exposure that the advertiser gets. Whenever you click and view a website, you can visit that website again in 24 hours as long as the visit cap hasn't been reached. That's right! After 24 hours you can click and view the website again. This gives the advertiser optimal exposure by using "repeat advertising" and it further increases the members earning potential.
Earnings example (based on current averages)
» You click 10 ads per day = $0.10
» 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00
» Your daily earnings = $2.10
» Your weekly earnings = $14.70
» Your monthly earnings = $63.00
although, we cannot guarantee that you will earn such a profit.
While we have no way of knowing how many ads will be available on a per week basis, we do know that is growing rapidly and advertisers are discovering the true potential of our service. We've just started and our advertiser base is small so BE PATIENT! Over the next coming months you will see an increase in the ads which will only increase your earnings! This is not a get-rich-scheme or scam, but it can put some extra gas money in your pocket!
click here to begin make money with bux
Finding The Best Franchise Startup For You
It would be a good idea for you to open a franchise if you want to be self-employed but want to get into the industry with a business that is already a recognized one.
Franchises are of three kinds consisting of services, products and wholesale distribution. There are certain factors which you will have to take into account before deciding on the type of best franchise startup you should open. These factors include the things you like to do, the amount of capital you have and your experience in the industry.
So if you want to start a new franchise then you will find the following information useful and informative:
1. Interest - The first and foremost thing which you need to do is find out where your interest lies. You have to think of this very carefully because you should be interested in working in the franchise that you are planning open.
2. Type - Secondly, you have to decide (before you carry out your franchise start up plan) on the kind of franchise that you want to open. As discussed above, franchises are of three kinds and you should find out which kind of franchise is suitable for you. Of course, the kind of franchise you open would depend on the first point that I mentioned above, i.e. it will depend on your interest.
3. Capital - I am sure you know that you would need quite a huge amount of money to pay as a one time fee to the company or firm whose franchise you want to buy. Such a sum will not be paid back to you in the future. You have to decide from where you would obtain this lump sum for your best franchise start up.
4. Plan - Having a properly plan is of utmost importance if you want your new franchise business to carry on smoothly. Plan in advance so that you won't get in to any kind of problems in the future.
5. Selection of site - You should have site in mind where you intend to open the franchise. If you have a property of your own then you can open the franchise in that property otherwise you would have to look for a property to run the franchise.
6. Compliance with all legal formalities - Starting a business will require you to comply with all legal formalities. You would have to prepare documents as required by law and fulfill all the necessary requirements.
7. Placing ads - It is not possible for you to run the franchise alone. You will need help and for this you can ask your family members to help you or you can place an advertisement on newspapers to attract potential employees for the jobs.
8. Training - Having selected the candidates for work, you will have to determine whether they will require any kind of training or not. If you feel that training them would be important then you would have to provide the necessary training.
9. Managing the business - Do you have the skills and knowledge required to manage the business? You may be the owner but it is not necessary that you have the skills required to run the business. If that's the case then you can appoint a manager with the required skills and knowledge to run the business for you on your behalf.
10. Dedication and hard work - Last but not the least, you and your team would have to work hard to achieve success and carry on the
EBay - The Global Mecca For Online Retailers
As a result, more and more online retailers are attracted to eBay's worldwide customer base. However, there is still reluctance by some of the major brands to allow their affiliates and retailers to use this important sales channel.
Why consider eBay?
Statistically, eBay is one of the first places that someone browsing to purchase products online will look so it makes tsense to have your products listed there. Additionally, eBay UK accounts for 10% of all the time UK users spend on the Internet.
How Com.Motion's clients use eBay?
Many of our e-commerce clients through our hands on consultancy support are now tapping into the eBay concept and are reaping the benefits of having their products for sale in this online arena. At Com.Motion we follow a few simple rules in ensuring that our clients achieve excellent results on eBay. These include:
Opening a shop - Having a shop allows our clients to list all of their products on eBay for up to 90 days or more and is very cheap i.e. about 12p per item. Having a logo - brand recognition is crucial so investing in a shop logo that gets noticed is well worth any associated design cost.
Marketplace - knowing our client's marketplace and doing research on eBay. We know who to sell to, what format to sell in and what time products sell best. eBay has a raft of online tools that provide all of this information. A good starting point is eBay Pulse.
Keyword research - eBay works in a similar way to the search engines in that it will allows visitors to search query its database for products that are most aligned to their keyword search. Therefore, we set up listings that are consumer focussed on eBay and search engine friendly. Do your research!
Photographs - the key to any sale! We encourage our clients to invest some time and a little money in making sure that the photographs are excellent. Good photos and possibly a professional designed template have a large impact on sales - Ducti Template.
Customise - We create custom built eBay shops and templates that really promote our client's brands and highlight their products in a clear and professional way. It is amazing what design improvements can be made for very little money so consider this accordingly.
Cross sell - eBay offers the facility to cross sell products. This ads value and customers interested in one product may buy a second similar one.
There are many more things to consider when using the eBay marketplace, but that is enough to get you started. We at Com.Motion fully embrace the concept of eBay and actively encourage our e-commerce clients to consider eBay as part of their online marketing strategy in their efforts to achieve their business objectives such as increased online sales.
Com.Motion Consulting is in the business of internet marketing - ensuring that your website appears on the top search engines including Google, Yahoo, and MSN.
We provide effective internet marketing solutions to ensure that customers find you and the products you sell on the web, and work with you to increase your profit through your online sales.
By John Cavanagh
Accept Credit Cards Online the Easy Way
If you have a new website and need to accept credit cards online then the process can actually be surprisingly complicated. In order to accept credit cards online you will need what is known as a "merchant account" - a facility that will allow you to charge a customer's credit or debit card and then deposit that money into your own account.
There are hundreds of different merchant account providers out there who are competing for your business and so getting approved for such an account is generally reasonably easy. This is particularly so if you are based in the USA. Outside of north America there are still options available to you but it's only fair to mention that approvals can take a little longer.
So if merchant accounts are easy to find and get approved for, why did I just say that the process can be complicated? It's because merchant accounts to accept credit cards online are like anyo ther financial service such as a mortgage or a loan - that is to say there are lots of different options available to you and choosing the best for your business may be something of a challenge.
There are accounts for US businesses, for non-US businesses, high volume accounts, special accounts for high risk ventures like online gambling sites, MLM, pharmacy sites and so on. There are accounts that charge monthly fees but low transaction rates and also the reverse. Different accounts work with different shopping carts and so on.
The first thing then in accepting online credit cards at your website is a thorough investigation of your business. Are you an established business now setting up online? Do you have an existing website and you're considering changing your merchant account provider? If so, then you have statistics to go on. You can make a reasonable guess as to how much money you'll be processing, how many orders and what products you'll be selling and so finding the ideal merchant account for you will be a little bit easier.
The job is slightly harder if you are setting up a new business. In this case, use your market research (or your business plan if you have written one) to try and estimate these very factors. What will you be selling? What is your average transaction size? How many of these per month do you think you'll be making?
If you are uncertain as to some of these answers then an excellent starting point is to sign up with one of the online credit card processing companies that offer a free set up. In this way you can easily have your processing account set up in a matter of a few hours (days at worst) then get it all linked up to your site.
The experiment will have cost you nothing but a little time but now you have a "baseline" to compare future deals against. It is entirely possible to switch merchant accounts at a future date if you find a better deal elsewhere but you'll only know it's a better deal when you have 3-6 months worth of processing history behind you so you can see what your monthly fees are working out to and hence if you can save money with a different merchant account provider.
Even better, many merchant account providers will actually be willing to recalculate the fees they charge you as you start to develop some history with them so you can even save money without all the hassle of changing to a new online credit card processing company.
By Richard Adams
5 Simple Tips For Successful Investing
You don't need to read thousands of books about the stocks market to be a successful investor. Investing is not about reading charts or being a soothsayer. Neither it is about watching screens with numbers all the day and night. Successful investing is about being patient, having reasonable expectations and sticking to the main investment principles.
Sounds complex? Here are five simple tips that will help you to do all of this:
1. Use smart diversification. Everyone says you should diversify but only few people warn about the pitfalls of over diversification. When you diversify so much that you almost own equal shares of everything in the market, you can't perform better than the market itself. When the market falls, your investment portfolio will fall too.
To avoid this, you should balance between the diversification and the risk. That's what I call smart diversification. Choose enough different assets so you don't depend on only one, but don't try to have everything. If no investment holds more than 15% of your overall portfolio, you should be fine.
2. Invest in different kinds of assets. Many investors make the mistake to buy only stocks, or only mutual funds or only real estate etc... you got the idea. Sure, they diversify in different stocks, funds, properties etc, but what happens if the property market crash?
If you want to be safe, invest in different kinds of assets.
3. Don't follow the crowd. Another mistake that many investors make is to do what everyone else does. What happens then? The price of the "hot" investment goes up and up much above its real value, because everyone wants to buy it. Just see the homes market in USA and Europe. Sooner or later this balloon bursts and a large part of the mass investors end up losing big time.
Your path to successful investing goes through some creativity. Avoid doing what everyone else is doing and find what works best for you.
4. Invest regularly. How many times you've heard someone saying that they made a big investment but it didn't work out? Often such people complain that investing is useless activity in general. Would you agree with them? I would not.
Investing does work, but it's not one time effort. It must be done regularly - even if only with small contributions. The real power of investing can be revealed after you invest month after month, for years. No one says it's easy and quick way to build wealth.
5. Use the power of compounding. Persistence is one of the most important keys to investment success. If you invest again and again and don't take out the profits, you will be able to see one of the greatest financial magics - the power of compounding at work.
Take this example: if you invest $100,000 and make 12% profits per year, you will be able to earn $12,000 yearly or $1,000 per month. This will bring you a nice passive income, but wouldn't make you rich. If instead of getting our the profits you let them compound for 25 years and add just $1,000 per year you'll end up having $1,7 millions!
How do I know this? I use this free investment calculator to see how my investment can grow over time. Use the investment calculator yourself and find out how the power of compounding can eventually make you rich.
By Bobby Handzhiev
Using Marketing Brochures For Your Business
Designing appealing marketing brochures is one of the services offered in a professional brochure printing company. By commercially printing these materials, it provides designers and businessmen a new and unique idea that they can use in business promotions. It is effective as well as cost-effective. With each design becoming a practical form of advertising that transmits the message of businesses to their prospects.
Realizing that many firms have indefinite marketing services, digital printing can help make the process easier. Digital printing is done by using direct to printer technology that allows you to have your prints in no time.
Also, with this type of method, custom-made color brochures are easier to achieve. You can print in any size that you want and in any shape that you want through die cutting services. Not only that, you can choose different substrates other than paper. Your materials can now be printed on glass, artist canvass and vinyl. Printing your marketing brochures will is very easy especially when there is a right brochure printing company that supplies variety options that meets your very expectations.
Through various printing technologies your brochure design is made according to each individual specification. And since your full color brochure is a great means to showcase the products or services of your company, the quality of the services is taken much into consideration and every detail of each are handled with utmost care.
Brochures can be used in different functions and you can control how this is done. You can choose to put in graphics that can enhance the imagery of your brochures as well as adding vivid details to hold the interest of the targeted market. However, to make the most out of your brochures, here are some tips that you can follow:
On choosing the right printer....
Remember that deciding on the design of the brochure is crucial for it must be well thought out and deliberated. You need to have that sense of professionalism and credibility in order for your company to be trusted by your audience. Your copies should be given much attention in order to get a desirable result.
However, you need to choose a good printing company in order to print high quality brochures. The company should have experienced staff as well as emphasize quality printing solutions at competitive prices.
The printing company should also offer a wide array of materials used to produce your designs. This includes a broad range of selection for paper stock and ink. The paper must be bright white and crisp in order to make your brochure distinctive form others.
On the design and layout...
Don't make the mistake of putting a dead title on the cover of your company brochure. Use a great banner to tease the content and motivate prospected customers to open your brochure and read it from start to finish.
People read brochures in the following way: headlines first, then subheads or photos, photo captions, and then the body copy last. Once your headlines, subheads and much of your copy have established the benefits, specific features may be addressed, but they shouldn't make up the bulk of your text.
By Carla San Gaspar
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